He has a big week or so coming up. At the end of this week the Make A Wish people (pushed by the hospice) have accelerated arranging for him to go to TV studios to meet his favourite TV character - Mr Tumble. I won't be able to go - work. And at the end of next week, he has his re-scheduled gastrostomy operation.
Meanwhile, bath time has got a bit more interesting. He has stopped wanting to have a bath with Mummy. I have been saying for a while that he is too old but she likes it. Then, on Saturday night after I got him undressed, he said "Mummy out of the bath". She didn't believe him but he meant it. Since then he has refused to have her in the bath. He wants to bathe alone. Makes baths a bit more tricky as the bath is slippery and there's the worry of water on his central line or, worse, down the trachy. We are all getting used to the new routine. But he delights in shrieking as he slides around the bath, splashing vigorously. And I age visibly as I try
to cling on to his arm.
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